The sphere project handbook pdf

The sphere handbook is designed for use in disaster response, and may also be useful in. The sphere project or sphere was initiated in 1997 by a group of humanitarian nongovernmental organizations ngos and the international red cross and red crescent movement. The sphere handbook, humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response. The sphere handbook was designed as a tool for technical experts when they evaluate projects. Sphere s flagship publication is the sphere handbook. Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in disaster response, 2011.

In addition an extensive external evaluation was carried out. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of. The sphere project, now known as sphere, was created in 1997 by a group of humanitarian nongovernmental organisations and. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us. The sphere handbook is marking its 20th anniversary with the publication of this fourth edition.

The sphere handbook is designed for anyone providing humanitarian aid. Psychological first aid has been recommended by many international and national expert groups, including the interagency standing committee iasc and the sphere project. This paper discusses the challenges faced during the revision in linking the. Jul, 2012 the sphere handbook is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized sets of common principles and universal minimum standards for the delivery of quality humanitarian response.

The handbook was completely revised and a second edition was launched in 2004. The sphere standards are periodically revised to make sure the handbook reflects new evidence and evolving practice in the humanitarian sector. The sphere handbook 2018 was launched on 6 november 2018. In 2009, the world health organizations who mhgap guidelines development group evaluated. Sphere formerly known as the sphere project is a global movement started in 1997 aiming to improve the quality of humanitarian assistance. Sphere handbook draft 2 for consultation what is sphere handbook introduction. Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian.

This launch also marked the 20th anniversary of the sphere movement, established originally as a timelimited project which. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Humanitarian aid is material or logistical assistance provided for. Sphere project handbook 20 pdf, the sphere project and its handbook are well known for introducing consid erations of geneva. The sphere project is the author of the sphere handbook 2011 4. Handbook structure and explains how to use it and how you or your organisation can conform to the sphere minimum standards. The sphere project was initiated in 1997 by a group of ngos and the red cross and red crescent movement to develop a set of universal minimum standards in core areas of humanitarian response.

The sphere project memberikan dukungan kepada masyarakat penanggulangan bencana indonesia mpbi untuk menerjemahkan dan menerbitkan the sphere project handbook. The sphere handbook has been fieldtested over twenty years and regularly. Our handbook is available to be downloaded as a pdf version in different languages. False according to international law, the key responsibility in providing humanitarian assistance after a disaster lies with. It is the result of an intense yearlong mobilisation of humanitarian actors around the globe and reflects two decades of experience using the standards in frontline operations, policy development and advocacy to uphold principled quality and. Psychological first aid is an alternative to psychological debriefing. Sphere will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. The sphere standards are the most commonly used and most widely known set of humanitarian standards.

The handbook editions and languages sphere standards. The project was launched in 1997 to develop a set of universal minimum standards in core areas of humanitarian assistance. The sphere handbook standards for quality humanitarian. The sphere handbook by the sphere project, paperback barnes.

The sphere project is an attempt by the operational agencies of the international humanitarian. This launch also marked the 20 th anniversary of the sphere movement, established originally as a timelimited project which has grown into a community of purpose spanning the globe. The sphere project has been running in various forms since 1997. The sphere project was initiated in 1997 by a group of humanitarian. Im going to analyse the sphere project humanitarian aid contex in order to give an overview of the project, including pro and cons, for the introductory part of a paper. The sphere project founded in 1997 by a consortium of humanitarian ngos and the red cross and red crescent movement, the sphere project features a handbook, a broad process of collaboration. Today, the sphere project has taken on a new form, with an expanded board of 14 members replacing the project s management committee. Dmha 101 disaster management primer guidelines for humanitarians. The sphere handbook is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized sets of common principles and universal minimum standards for the delivery of quality, accountable humanitarian response. The new edition of the sphere projects handbook updates the qualitative and quantitative indicators and guidance notes and improves the overall structure and consistency of the text including a rewritten humanitarian charter, updated common standards, a stronger focus on protection and revised technical chapters. The sphere project handbook 2011 version food security cluster. The handbook aims to stimulate learning and accountability by measuring process and outcome. Sphere project and inee, 2009 this sentiment can be witnessed in refugee camps and conflict zones around the world.

The fourth edition of the sphere handbook was published in 2018. Ocha coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in disaster response. The sphere project has committed to fully integrate the chs into the sphere handbook, replacing its core standards cs upon finalisation of the full chs in 20151 the cs are available online at. Sphere project handbook 2011 pdf this latest edition of the sphere handbook, humanitarian charter and minimum. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. Sphere project handbook pdf in core areas of humanitarian response. The sphere project minimum dalam respons kemanusiaan 2011 the.

Previous editions of the sphere handbook are available in over 30 languages. The sphere project the sphere project is a programme of the steering committee for humanitarian response schr and interaction with voice and icva. The core humanitarian standard and the sphere core standards. If you wish to translate one or more of these courses, or to host them on your own platform, please contact the sphere office. The humanitarian charter and minimum standards will not of course stop humanitarian crises from happening, nor can they prevent human suffering. The sphere project author of the sphere handbook 2011. The sphere project was initiated in 1997 by a group of ngos and the red cross and red. Watch this 4minute video summary and learn how to get involved.

The sphere handbook standards for quality humanitarian response. Pdf the sphere project the sphere project 2011 sphere. Following the worldwide success of the first edition of the sphere handbook, this new second edition is the result of feedback from current users and from training workshops, with revisions from a focal group of representatives from major organisations. Without express agreement from the sphere office, users should by no means attempt to copy, alter, adapt, modify or disassemble the courses in any way or for any purpose. The sphere project humanitarian charter and minimum standards. Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response the sphere project on. The sphere project handbook 2011 version food security. Sphere handbook 2018 center for humanitarian health. The sphere handbook for humanitarian response alnap. The right to life with dignity the sphere project or sphere was initiated in 1997 by a group of humanitarian nongovernmental organisations ngos and the international red cross.

The sphere project, now known as sphere, was created in 1997 by a group of humanitarian nongovernmental organisations and the red cross and red. Because it is not owned by any one organization, the sphere handbook enjoys broad acceptance by the humanitarian sector as a whole. The sphere handbook is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized sets of common principles and universal minimum standards for the delivery of quality humanitarian response. The sphere handbook revision began with a threeday workshop involving a diverse group of humanitarian professionals. The chs will not change or replace sphere s humanitarian. Feb 23, 2017 the sphere handbook revision began with a threeday workshop involving a diverse group of humanitarian professionals. The author is also grateful to members of the sphere management committee, for their permission and encouragement in carrying out this case study. This guide describes the format and content of the handbook produced by the project. Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in humanitarian response the sphere handbook kindle edition by the sphere project. The cornerstone ondemand foundation established to bring the most effective humanitarian training resources on topics such as the sphere handbook and humanitarian charter to aid workers and volunteers anywhere, anytime.

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